Six young people kindly share their transition stories and experiences with us.
Young people can expect to experience different kinds of transitions, depending on their condition and the health services available. Listening to these stories will be useful when you are thinking about, planning for and making your transition.
Thoughts before transition.
Trepidation and excitement, it is normal to have mixed emotions before you make the transition.
Advice about transition.
Transition can be challenging but advice from those who have been through it can help.
The first visit.
The first visit to the adult hospital or clinic can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Becoming more independent.
Taking the step up to adult health care can give you a new sense of independence.
Talking to the health care team.
The health care team are there to work with you. Talking to them can be easier than you think.
Adult clinics are different.
You’re planning your transition from child to adult health care so what can you expect?
Parents and transition.
Parents also go through a transition and often find it hard to let go!
Bad patches and getting support.
Support comes in many forms, here are some tips on where to look for it.
Don’t hold back.
We all have bad days but don’t let them hold you back!