This page will help you find support organisations and condition specific information to help you prepare to transition to adult healthcare services.
You can also find links to useful resources and information, stories from young people and opportunities to get involved by sharing your experiences. Please choose a category below:
Do you have suggested resources to include?
This page is constantly being added to. Please contact us if you would like to request a new specialty/condition, or to suggest new resources we can add.
New or Updated Clinic Information
If you are a representative from a hospital clinic and would like to update or add your clinic’s information, please contact us to find out more.
Disclaimer: This section signposts to external resources and information sources that were not created by the Stepping Up team.
Cancer Information
Please find below a list of Cancer support organisations, personal stories, useful links, clinic informations and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Childhood Cancer Ireland | [email protected] | +353 1 554 5655
Childhood Cancer Ireland is a charity founded by and led by parents of children with cancer and cancer survivors.
Canteen Ireland | Young peoples cancer support | [email protected] | +353 1 872 2012
CanTeen Ireland is a nationwide support group for young people between the ages of 12 and 25 years who have or have had cancer.
Young Adult Programme – Barretstown
Offering an age-appropriate camp experience to adolescents & young adults between the age of 18yrs-24yrs.
Useful Links
Types of cancer | Young Lives vs Cancer
The Young Lives Vs Cancer Website has useful information about types of cancer and a range of resources for young people.
Please note this is a UK based website and services and supports described are not available in Ireland.
Childhood Cancer Ireland Webinar | The transition to third level for young people affected by childhood cancer.
The transition to third level for young people affected by childhood cancer.
This webinar aims to provide information and advice on moving through the senior cycle and moving onto higher and further education.
Childhood Cancer Ireland Webinar | The Right Fit: Alternative Pathways to Further and Higher Education
The Right Fit: Alternative Pathways to Further and Higher Education
This webinar explores the different educational routes available to childhood cancer survivors, providing a variety of options for young people to consider as they start to think about their lives beyond secondary school.
Share Your Experience
Get Involved with Childhood Cancer Ireland
[email protected]
Childhood Cancer Ireland have created a space on our website to share stories and to honour the experiences of children and young people with childhood cancer and their families. If you would like to share your story, please contact Childhood Cancer Ireland at [email protected]
Cystic Fibrosis Information
Please find below a list of Cystic Fibrosis support organisations, personal stories, useful links, clinic informations and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland | [email protected] | 1800 832 022
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland provides useful information, resources, advocacy and funding supports for people with cystic fibrosis and their families.
Personal Stories
Personal stories about living with Cystic Fibrosis
Personal stories about living with Cystic Fibrosis.
Personal stories page where young people and adults share their living with Cystic Fibrosis.
Bevin’s Transition story
Bevin tells how she felt excited about making the transition
Click the title to
Daniel’s Transition story
Daniel advises young people to learn more about their condition
Click the title to
Useful Links
Salty Soldiers
Salty Soldiers
This is a page set up by a group of young people with Cystic Fibrosis to reach out and motivate other young people with CF. On this page they share their stories and experiences and keep people up to date on many aspects to do with CF.
Cystic Fibrosis UK
Cystic Fibrosis UK
Cystic Fibrosis UK has partnered with young people with CF who have transitioned to adult care to develop resources to support other young people with CF and their parents through transition. Please note this is a UK based website and services and supports described are not available in Ireland.
Share Your Experience
Get Involved with Cystic Fibrosis Ireland
CF Ambassadors | Cystic Fibrosis (
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland are seeking CF Ambassadors. The Ambassadors can share their stories, experiences and insights to help raise awareness and support fundraising campaigns and events.
Diabetes Information
Please find below a list of Diabetes support organisations, personal stories, useful links, clinic informations and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Diabetes Ireland | [email protected] | +353 1 842 8118
Diabetes Ireland provides support, information and education to people of all ages living with diabetes.
Personal Stories
Personal stories about living with Diabetes
Personal stories about living with Diabetes.
Visit the Living with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and latest news page for personal stories of living with Diabetes.
Darren’s Transition story
Darren feels he has a good relationship with his new health care team
Click the title to
Róisín’s Transition story
Róisín brought her Mam to the first visit at the adult clinic for support
Click the title to
Useful Links
Type 1 Diabetes and College Life
Type 1 Diabetes and College Life
This booklet aims to support students living with Type 1 diabetes who are going to 3rd level education.
Eating Disorder Information
Please find below a list of Eating Disorder support organisations, personal stories, useful links and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Bodywhys- The Eating Disorder Association of Ireland | [email protected] | +353 1 2107906
Bodywhys delivers support and information services to people affected by eating disorders and family members throughout Ireland. An eating disorder diagnosis is not required to access support services provided by Bodywhys.
Personal Stories
Personal stories about living with an Eating Disorder
Personal stories about living with an Eating Disorder.
Personal stories page where young people and adults share their living with an Eating Disorder.
Share Your Experience
Share your experience with Bodywhys
Share Your Story
Bodywhys shares peoples experiences of living with an eating disorder on their website and social media account. The personal stories page provides guidance about how to share your story. .
Epilepsy Information
Please find below a list of Epilepsy support organisations, personal stories, useful links, clinic informations and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Epilepsy Ireland | [email protected] | +353 1 455 7500
Epilepsy Irelands offers a range of services to support people with epilepsy and their families.
Personal Stories
Personal stories about living with Epilepsy.
Personal stories about living with Epilepsy.
Personal stories page where young people and adults share their living with Epilepsy.
Share Your Experience
Get Involved with Epilepsy Ireland
Become a Volunteer
Epilepsy Ireland requires media volunteers - people who are willing and able to communicate their experience with epilepsy to others. Sharing your experience can be on radio, TV or in print, or even on Epilepsy Ireland’s social media channels.
Heart Information
Please find below a list of Heart support organisations, personal stories, useful links, clinic informations and ways to get involved:
Support Organisations
Heart Children | [email protected] | +353 1 8740990 or +353 85 723 7797
Heart Children is a charity that raises awareness, provides support and information and fundraises for Children with congenital heart defects in Ireland. Heart Children provide annual transition conferences for your Transition into adult health care
Personal Stories
Ciara’s Transition story
Ciara talks about the differences in adult services
Click the title to
Share Your Experience
Get Involved with Heart Children
[email protected]
Heart Children have a youth advisory group made up of young people with CHD, who come together to discuss the topics that matter to them. Contact Heart Children for more information.
Reading the material on this website and listening to or reading the ‘transition stories’ will help prepare you for transition.
In this way, you will gain more information and confidence that will support you through the process. The important thing is that you will see that you are not alone. Your parent(s)/guardian(s) and health care team are there to support you and help you to manage the move to adult services. There is no single transition process or programme in Ireland but it is helpful to think of the process as including the following three stages:
Reading the material on this website and listening to or reading the ‘transition stories’ will help prepare you in some way for transition.
In this way, you will gain more information and confidence that will support you through the process. The important thing is that you will see that you are not alone.
Your parent(s)/guardian(s) and health care team are there to support you and help you to manage the move to adult services. There is no single transition process or programme in Ireland but it is helpful to think of the process as including the following three stages: